Know your fold!

Written by PSMailers Guy | Mon, May 7, 2018 @ 14:05 PM

The art of origami and its possibilities with PSMailers

If you ever made a paper airplane, newspaper hat, or “cootie catcher” as a child, you can thank the ingenuity of ancient Japanese monks. The art of origami, or paper folding, started not as child’s play but as part of religious and ceremonial traditions carried out by monks in Japan in the sixth century. Modern paper folding has taken on new shapes over the years, evolving into simple child’s play, advanced mathematical theory, remarkable works of art, and even simple functional forms (literally) – such as PSMailers documents.

While not as artistic or elaborate as today’s origami works, PSMailers documents come in a wide range of fold styles that enhance and simplify important communications. Knowing your folds and how they can be used will unfold endless possibilities to print, seal, and mail projects. Take a look at PSMailers for a wide range of documents from payroll to marketing plus these six fold options…

To learn more about PSMailers contact our Customer Service experts at (800-464-5030), or email for additional information. And if you’re feeling inspired today, grab a piece of paper and try your hand at this.

Your paper-folding fool,

~PSMailers Guy