PSMailers Pressure Seal Solutions

Move over Gutenberg, touchscreen is here

Posted by PSMailers Guy on Mon, Mar 15, 2021 @ 15:03 PM


Those of us in the printing industry are forever indebted to the genius of Johannes Gutenberg, pioneer of the modern printing press in 1450. (An invention that wouldn't be nearly as invaluable, it should be noted, without the brainchild of Ts'ai Lun of China, the first maker of paper in 105 BC.)

Gutenberg's life-changing invention was the first of many that have led us to where we are today with technology that enables better, faster, smarter printing and document processing. Here is a nod to some of the other important advancements along the way:

1703: Gottfried Leibniz creates the binary number system used in virtually all computers today. (You know, those series of 0s and 1s? I still don't quite understand, but thank you, Gottfried!)

1803: Henry and Sealy Fourdrinier develop the papermaking machine (with an assist from Ts'ai Lun mentioned earlier).

1965: The first finger-controlled touchscreen is created by E.A. Johnson at the Royal Radar Establishment in Malvern, UK. (More on this below)

2016: Three nanotechnologists win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for building miniature machines out of molecules. (This has nothing to do with printers-yet, anyway – but that's an amazing technological feat worth noting!)

Thanks to the inventions of these great minds over the last 500+ years, PSMailers is making its own advancements with our pressure-seal and self-mailer machines. Take for instance, the new PSM6000 model with touchscreen design. Think of it as your own personal Rosey for the office. The touchscreen display gives the user faster, easier, accurate access to functions for a 21st century performance. With a capacity to process up to 6,000 forms per hour, this unit also provides manual and batch counts, variable speed options, plus a 6-month manufacturer warranty that would make even Gutenberg blush.

Harnessing technology like touchscreen displays in our powerful folding/self-sealing systems is our way of advancing the industry and providing our users the most efficient tools available to save valuable time, money and resources.
So the next time you process or open a PSMailers document, thank our industry forefathers and your humble friends here at PSMailers.

Yours in the most latest tech,
PSMailers Guy

PS. Technology, used wisely, can move us forward by remarkable leaps and bounds. But not without risk. As Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and mastermind of wildly ambitious ideas, once put it: "I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact."